51 Employers: Menopause-friendly workplaces
What is '51 employers' and will you be one?
Open to Jersey businesses, public sector entities and charities, this is an opportunity to be agents of change by signing up to a progressive, 14-point pledge on the topic of menopause, in the workplace.
In November 2022, The Diversity Network, See Her Thrive, and Affinity Private Wealth were proud and excited to announce the launch of The 51 Employers Pledge*.
By the end of the first year of campaigning, we had well and truly exceeded our target of 51 signatories to the Pledge, and we're delighted that the list of employers working hard to create a menopause-friendly workplace continues to grow in 2023.
You can find more information about our 51 Employers Pledge below.
All enquiries should be directed to info@thediversitynetwork-jersey.org.
* 51 being the average age a woman or person who was assigned female at birth reaches the menopause
The 51 Employers Pledge
1.Treat menopause with the same level of seriousness, care and support as we do with other physical and mental health conditions.
2.Take an individual approach to menopause support, recognising that everyone’s journey is different and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
3.Be inclusive in how we communicate about the menopause, recognising that:
Some people experience early menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency
Some people go through menopause as a result of medication or surgery (medical and surgical menopause)
Not everyone who goes through the menopause identifies as a woman. Trans and non-binary individuals also experience menopause symptoms.
4.Include menopause in our long-term wellbeing / diversity and inclusion strategy
5.Educate all staff and line managers about the menopause and its impact through menopause awareness training, delivered by a qualified expert.
6.Make evidence-based information about the menopause available and accessible to all staff, including signposting to internal and external sources of support.
7.Create opportunities for staff to come together to talk about the menopause and support each other, such as a women’s network or menopause cafe.
8.Update our sickness absence policy so that menopause, alongside menstrual and reproductive issues, are not considered as “sickness”.
9.Offer flexible working options (such as working from home, flexi-time, part-time, job-sharing, redeployment) to support those affected by menopause symptoms and help them remain in work.
10.Enable a relaxed dress code to ensure staff are comfortable.
11.Ensure work areas are well ventilated with access to drinking water and make desk fans available for anyone who may be experiencing hot flashes.
12.Provide staff with a comfortable, quiet space where they can take time-out if needed.
13.Champion an inclusive culture, which challenges sexist, ageist and derogatory comments about the menopause.
14.Celebrate World Menopause Day
Q: How do we sign up to the pledge?
A: Please contact Kate and she will talk you through the very simple process. A member of your Board or Senior Leadership Team will be asked to sign a 'certificate' confirming your organisation's commitment to meeting and maintaining 14 key actions in a 12-month period to support a menopause-friendly workplace. We will add your name to our list of adopters here and share widely on social media. We encourage you to share the certificate with your employees and stakeholders.
Q: How will you know we are delivering on our pledge.
A: The 51 Employers campaign is more about motivation and inspiration than it is monitoring and review (although we strongly encourage you to do the latter internally). It is not an accreditation scheme or tick-box exercise and we will not be scrutinising your progress.
However, we will run an annual event whereby employers who have signed the pledge will be invited to join us to share their progress, the impact of their actions, insights and examples of good practice. We hope that by publicly signing your support for a menopause-friendly workplace you will feel accountable to your employees and stakeholders and motivated to be a positive agent for change in a world where menopause is still very much a taboo subject.
Q: How will you promote adopters of the 51 Employers pledge?
A: We will maintain and share a public list here on TDN's website and via our social media platforms and newsletters. We'd welcome articles on your good work and hints and tips on how to create a menopause-friendly workplace and will share your good news stories and photos far and wide! The more we all talk openly about menopause in the business community, the faster we will remove the stigma and see positive change!
Signatories to the 51 Employers Pledge
Our list of local employers signing up to the pledge is growing fast, and we'd like to say a huge well done and thank you to these early adopters! Why not help us smash our target of at least 51 employers committing to create an inclusive, menopause friendly workplace in 2022?
Accuro Fiduciary, Advisa Wealth, Affinity Private Wealth, Align Health Agency, Appleby Jersey, BDO Group, Brooks Macdonald, Citizens Advice Jersey, The Channel Islands Co-Operative Society, Deloitte LLP, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fairway Group, Family Nursing & Homecare, Fiduchi Group, Focus HR, Grant Thornton, Government of Jersey, Highvern, HR Now, Insight Group, Insurance Corporation of the Channel Islands m Ltd, IoD Jersey, Jersey Child Care Trust, Jersey Cheshire Homes, Jersey College for Girls, Jersey Electricity, Jersey Finance, Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner, Jersey Telecom, Jersey Water, Kleinwort Hambros, Little Oaks Nursery, Les Landes Primary School, Lloyds Bank International, Lottoland, MacMillan Jersey, Oben Law & Regulatory, Office of the Chidren's Commissioner Jersey, Ogier, PraxisFM, Prosperity 24/7, Sabre Advisory, Smith & Williamson, Sovereign Group, States of Jersey Police, St Lawrence Parish, St Peter's Primary School, St Ouen's Parish, Switch Digital, TMF Group, Victoria College, William Hill,
NICE guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Menopause:
See Her Thrive is a brilliant resource for more information about menopause, including a Menopause Toolkit for employers.
The Balance website and app include a fantastic menopause 'library' and are a source of medically-approved information on all aspects of menopause.
We are aiming to build a repository of useful resources and tools to help people understand menopause better, manage their symptoms and create a menopause-friendly workplace. Please do drop us a line if you have any suggestions for inclusion. Thank you!