Links to useful tools & groups
💡💡For INSPIRATION & starting a conversation..
➡️The IoD-Jersey D&I Charter:
IoD Jersey - Diversity & Inclusion Vision
➡️TDN's free From Talk to Reality briefing (delivered in person or virtually):
♟♟Practical tools to help you create a STRATEGY...
➡️DIFERA (employer accreditation scheme):
➡️Jersey Employer Group's D&I Toolkit:
Jersey Employer Group (
➡️51 Employers Pledge (Menopause friendly workplaces): - Menopause Awareness
➡️The Diversity Directory (for diverse conference panels & industry working groups):
➡️The Good Business Charter:
Homepage - Good Business Charter
⭐️⭐️Support to help you turn words into action & DIVERSIFY your talent/client base...
➡️Liberate's Acces scheme (accessibility):
➡️Jersey Employment Trust (recruitment & training):
Jersey Employment Trust (
➡️The Beresford Street Kitchen (education, training & employment; catering and printing services):
Home – Beresford Street Kitchen
❤️❤️For WELLBEING and good mental health….
➡️The Menopause Cafe, Channel Islands:
The Menopause Cafe, Channel Islands Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
➡️The Menopause Forum (medical advice, education & training):
The Menopause Forum (
➡️Man Club (men’s mental health support):
(1) Man Club Jersey: Overview | LinkedIn
➡️Liberate Counselling Support Services:
Counselling Support | Liberate
➡️Community Savings Bank (financial wellbeing & inclusion):
Leadership Roundtable Discussions
Resources Recommended by Attendees
In TDN’s discussions with business leaders over the last 5 years, ‘leadership’ has consistently emerged as the biggest enabler to creating diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.
As such, we are keen to explore with the Island's business leaders the challenges that they face in enabling cultural change across their organisations and what they believe makes a ‘good’ leader in the modern workplace. Our aim is to use these insights to support the development of practical tools and guidance to be made available for our local business leaders on inclusive leadership and leading cultural change.
We held our first leadership discussion in February 2023, inviting 30 senior professionals from across a range of industries to participate. Following this very engaging discussion and debate, we asked the business leaders to tell us about the tools and resources that have helped them to:
- develop their leadership understanding, skills and capabilities.
- facilitate feedback, engage employees and create an inclusive culture across their organisation.
We're pleased to share their suggestions with you below and we will continue to add to the list. We'd very much welcome your suggestions too.
💡💡Developing leadership understanding, skills & capabilities:
Professional Development:
The Coaching Agency: Coaching, training and mentoring
Leadership Jersey: "Events and publications designed to inspire and promote effective leadership". ABOUT | Leadership Jersey
Leading Business Growth by Royston Guest with Jersey Business: "A senior level training programme designed to give leaders the tools to evolve business. Many of the units centred about creation of culture at the heart of successful teams." Leading Growth Programme | Jersey Business
Tim Ferriss (4 hour work week) podcast interviewing Richard Koch (80/20 Principle): "brilliant on focusing on critical factors".
The Judgement Index: "Insightful and impactful Leadership Analysis". -
IoD Membership: "Professional Development Courses and D&I Charter" for Jersey:
Alchemy by Rory Sutherland
Wilful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan
Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed
Good to Great by Jim Collins
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Good to Great by Jim Collins
What Works: Gender Equality by Design by Iris Bohnet
Anything by Jack Welch!
♟♟Facilitating feedback, engaging employees and creating an inclusive culture:
TDN's Cultural Assessment: Cultural Assessment (
Engagement Multiplier: For employee surveys, anonymous feedback, tracking progress, etc.
Myanova: Science backed workplace wellbeing measurement tool with consultancy intervention support and HQ in Jersey (includes surveys / NPS / a retention forecast / live reporting and ideas for improvement) :
CoSteer: Assessing Your Culture and Governance.
Marbral Advisory: Change Management support, with a people centric focus.
DIFERA (employer accreditation scheme). DIFERA | Liberate
Jersey Employer Group's D&I Toolkit.Jersey Employer Group (
The Good Business Charter. Homepage - Good Business Charter
51 Employers Pledge (Menopause friendly workplaces): - Menopause Awareness
Mental health
Information for Services In Jersey When Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis
The following information is intended to help point you, or someone you know, in the right direction for support in the event of a psychological crisis for which you feel there is need for professional intervention.
1. If you are experiencing difficulties during the course of the working day, please make contact with your GP and take the soonest available appointment, this may mean seeing a different doctor to the one you usually see.
2. If you experience a crisis outside of your GP’s usual hours, you can contact Jersey Doctors On Call. Information about their hours can be found here:
3. If you are extremely concerned about your ability to keep yourself safe, or if someone you know is unable to keep themselves from harm, please attend the A&E Department at the Jersey General Hospital and ask for the ‘mental health liaison service’. This is a 24 hour a day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year service. More information about Government of Jersey Mental Health Services can be found here:
More general options for those with mental health problems are:
- Samaritans: Information on the Jersey branch opening hours for face to face contact can be found at: Calls to the following number are free 116 123 and someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year.
- Mind Jersey: There is a vast range of information and support available from Mind Jersey and they have collated details on services available locally for those experiencing mental health difficulties. Click - Get Support, Signposting and select whether you need services for children or adults.
- Jersey Citizens Advice: For more general information about the range of services available locally Jersey Citizens Advice have created the Jersey Online Directory which lists many organisations available in Jersey. directory/
- Jersey Recovery College: A local mental health charity offering courses to help individuals (and their loved ones) with mental health problems to move towards and maintain their recovery and well-being:
- Mental Health Foundation: This is another fantastic UK mental health charity with lots of resources available on line:
You don’t seem yourself lately, is everything ok?
I was thrilled to see the huge turnout at the ‘Is Mental Health At Work The Last Taboo?’ event held by The Diversity Network in January. As a psychotherapist, I believe having open and honest conversations about mental health difficulties will foster increased understanding and inclusion so those struggling feel less alone and able to speak about their difficulties and needs.
To challenge the stigma associated with mental health problems, it is helpful to think about mental health as being on a continuum; at any time, we, our friends, families and colleagues sit along that continuum. When feeling content in our personal and professional lives we place ourselves towards the healthier end of the continuum. When difficulties arise however, for example relationship problems, financial stresses, work deadlines or bereavement, we may find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and sliding towards burnout.
Mental health charity Mind report 1 in 6 people experience mental health problems in any week. Given that we spend over a third of our waking hours at work, we are likely to come across someone struggling with mental health problems during our working week. So here are 5 tips for identifying and responding to colleagues in need:
1. Recognise possible signs of distress: Increased irritability, tearfulness or distractibility; appearing more tired or drained than usual; change in appetite, smoking or alcohol use; increase in making mistakes; difficulties with time keeping.
2. Open up a conversation: Choose a quiet moment where you have time & space to talk. Gently acknowledge the changes you have noticed, ie ‘You don’t seem yourself lately, is everything ok?’. People can feel very ashamed about mental health problems so try not to say ‘You seem depressed, anxious, irritable….’
3. Listen: You may not be able to do or say anything that changes the persons difficulties but listening with kindness, compassion & sincerity may help them open up; a problem shared can be a problem halved, at least momentarily.
4. Act or seek further advice: Do you need to signpost to a mental health first aider, HR or GP? As a manager are there reasonable adjustments you can offer?
5. Follow Up: Check back in after a short while. If either of you have agreed on an action, follow it through, assess if it’s been helpful & review if further support is required.
We are primed for connection with others, so simply asking someone if they are ok can have a powerful impact upon reducing isolation and challenging stigma.
If you would like to receive guidance and consultancy for promoting inclusion and positive mental health amongst employees within your organisation, I would be pleased to hear from you.
Or if you haven’t been yourself lately and you’re beginning to struggle, please contact me to talk about how I may be able to help. The vast majority of my clients are of working age and some may have their therapy costs covered by a health insurance policy provided by their employer, demonstrating increasing parity between physical and mental health problems. Access to private therapy enables people to receive the help they need at the time they most need it, reducing the possibility of burnout.
Blogs, videos & podcasts
The Gender Pay Gap: Interview with Stuart Richford of Catalyst.